Vineyard Professional Services Photo

Tucker Robertson

Vineyard Manager

Tucker Robertson manages vineyards in the Edna Valley and Templeton regions including mulitple organic operations.  Tucker started his career with VPS as an Assistant Vineyard Manager following graduation from Iowa State.  At Iowa State he majored in Agricultural Engineering - Land and Water Resources with two different focuses in Sustainability and Geographic Information Systems.  Tucker has a passion for regenerative agricultural practices and farming in balance with local ecology.  Tucker lives in Paso Robles with his wife and young son. 

Vineyard Consulting
& Development
Tony Correia
The Correia Company
It has been my good fortune to have known and worked with Randy Heinzen for many years, in both the Central Coast and the heady arena of Napa Valley. His obvious viticultural skills and knowledge are exceeded only by his unique ability to understand and implement the econometrics of vineyard investments, development and management, walking the tightrope of creating and preserving value while minimizing risks.
Randy Heinzen has grown fruit for seven 100 point wines!