Vineyard Professional Services Photo

Adrian Trujillo

Human Resources & Hiring Manager

Adrian joined VPS in early 2023.  Adrian brought extensive experience managing the people aspect of vineyard operations from his time spent as Human Resources Manager at Scheid Family Wines and Safety/Compliance Manager at Green Valley Farm Supply.  As HR and Hiring Manager, Adrian's primary responsibilites are safety and compliance, recruitment, employee relations, and workers’ compensation.  Adrian’s education was focused on Computer Business and Accounting.  He is an active member in his home community of King City & Greenfield where he has coached high school basketball and softball for several years.  Adrian runs a nonprofit organization that supports young athletes in basketball and softball programs.  In his spare time, he enjoys spoiling his two bulldogs and spending time with his grown children when they are home from college. 

Vineyard Consulting
& Development
Tony Correia
The Correia Company
It has been my good fortune to have known and worked with Randy Heinzen for many years, in both the Central Coast and the heady arena of Napa Valley. His obvious viticultural skills and knowledge are exceeded only by his unique ability to understand and implement the econometrics of vineyard investments, development and management, walking the tightrope of creating and preserving value while minimizing risks.
Leading the Central Coast in water use technologies, VPS utilizes over 80 soil, water, and canopy sensors in our vineyards